Cremat parts can be ordered from within the USA.
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You can find the entire Cremat catalog on Amazon here.
Alternatively, here are the individual links to our parts for sale on Amazon:
Charge sensitive preamplifiers (CSPs):
CR-110-R2.2 CSP module, highest gain
CR-111-R2.2 CSP module, high gain
CR-112-R2.1 CSP module, low gain
CR-113-R2.1 CSP module, lowest gain
CR-150-R6 (evaluation board for CSP modules)
CR-150-BOX-R6 (housing)
CR-150-BOX-R6-HV (housing)
CR-150-BOX-NoBias (housing)
CR-200-50ns (shaper amplifier module, 50ns shaping time)
CR-200-100ns (shaper amplifier module, 100ns shaping time)
CR-200-250ns (shaper amplifier module, 250ns shaping time)
CR-200-500ns (shaper amplifier module, 500ns shaping time)
CR-200-1us (shaper amplifier module, 1μs shaping time)
CR-200-2us (shaper amplifier module, 2μs shaping time)
CR-200-4us (shaper amplifier module, 4μs shaping time)
CR-200-8us (shaper amplifier module, 8μs shaping time)
CR-210-R0 (Baseline restorer module)
CR-160-R9 (evaluation board for CR-200-X & CR-210-R0)
CR-160-BOX-R9 (housing for CR-160-R9)
Wall mounted power supply, can be used with either CR-150-R6 or CR-160-R9: